Exercise walking is one of the simplest activities with numerous advantages for health as can be testified from the following. In the metabolic system it can assist in regulation of body weight, sugar and cholesterol levels. This amount of energy expended during brisk walking is approximately 100 calories for every distance of a mile. Walking is the most ideal partner to a low-calorie diet program to shed off excess weight and avoid regaining the lost weight.
Walking improves cardiovascular fitness. Walking is an aerobic activity in that it elevates the rate of heartbeat to pump oxygenated blood throughout the body muscles. The heart and lungs become stronger with a daily walk and leading to the decrease in blood pressure and rate of heartbeat while at rest. It is, in fact, incorporated into medical rehabilitation including cardiac rehabilitation programs.
For people who use their arms and legs, then walking improves and increases the corporal capillaries circulation that is required in cellular respiratory. People suffering from poor circulation should seek medical advice from a doctor before they Engage in exercise walking.
Psychologically, walking leaves a professionally positive attitude for a body and a soul and it has a positive impact on depression, anxiety and stress because it releases endorphins, which is a natural tranquilizer. Walking will tire your body and at the same time help you to relieve your mind and thinking at the same time.
If you are over 40 years of age or have any difficulty with weight, breathing, high or low blood pressure, pulse rate or cholesterol consult your doctor before walking. The same is applicable for diabetics, smokers or those people who have had previous injuries to some or the other part of their body or a history of heart diseases in their family.
On Your Feet
To put it simply, the best walking shoe should lack sideward instability, provide enough cushioning and should allow you to walk easily. It is fortunate, that many of the running shoes available meet all these criteria effectively, and for majority are quite suitable for a walking program. But there are some walking shoes that are specially designed, try them for they may fit you well. These are normally not so comfortable as running shoes, but not as enveloping either and quite lighter.
When you want to choose a shoe for your own, do not buy it, without passing the vertical heel test. Lay the shoe at a store’s counter and align the heel of the shoe vertically to the ground when viewed from behind. An area of concern which requires evaluation is whether the midsole has been properly linked to the upper. Is the stitching complete? By observing all these, one will only be able to see any irregular shaped bumps like the one shown in the figure inside the shoe.
Foot Care for Walking
Should you wish to put the feet through a walking program regimen, then it is important to maintain good general foot care. Wear heavy socks made of acrylic materials; Pat your feet dry after washing especially the area around the toes; dust your feet with powder before you put on shoes. Finger and toe nails should therefore be trimmed at least once a week, across the tip of the toe.
They also advise that over-the-counter treatment of corns and calluses before commencing to walk maybe more harmful than beneficial. Discomfort causing personal injury like the bunions and hammertoes are best handled by a podiatric physician if you are intending to walk for aerobics.
Regarding blisters, it is appropriate to treat it individually with opening it using sterilized needle and draining the liquid. They should not rupture or pop the blister as this may expose the base of the lesion or what is referred to as the “roof” of the blister. Apply an antibiotic cream to the treated blister to protect from future infection and then use a dressing.
Hitting the Road
Among these preparations that are done prior to getting on the road, a number of warming-up activities will enable aeration of any tightened muscles or pulled muscles that may be in store. See your podiatrist for a few particular methods by which the heel cord (the Achilles tendon and the calf muscles at the back of your leg) and the quad muscle at the front of your thigh and the hamstring muscle at the back of your thigh may be stretched more. For each slow stretch, five deep breaths have to be taken and the stretched muscle has to be maintained firm and without bouncing. Stretching helps in increasing blood flow and therefore prevents concentration of metabolism in muscles which causes aching.
It is thus necessary to set good goals in order to have a healthy and productive walking program. First, it’s necessary to fix walking as the usual activity. Begin with short and less frequent walks with increasing the intensity up to three to five times a week with five or 10 minutes each.
Regular walk with good walking shoes will make your life & health better.